💰Where to Buy

Contract Address: 0xD7380b10bF3886B34Ab3422DEa42E408850375CA

ACTN BEP20 holders may now use their Web 3 wallet to purchase and mint one of the 5,000 Heros from Series One of the Action Figures NFT collection.

Mint Heros: https://af1.actioncoin.com

ACTN BEP20 holders may now use their Web 3 wallet to purchase and mint one of the 5,000 Heros from Series Two of the Action Figures NFT collection.

Mint Heros: https://af2.actioncoin.com

ACTN BEP20 holders may now use their Web 3 wallet to purchase and mint one of the 1,000 Champion NFTs from the Action Coin Champions NFT collection.

Mint Champs: https://champs.actioncoin.com

The following resources have been provided for your convenience. We do not specifically endorse any wallet or exchange. Please do your own research.

Komodo Wallet

https://actomicdex.io (ACTN BEP20/ACTN NATIVE)

PancakeSwap (V3)

https://pancakeswap.finance (ACTN BEP20/USDT)



Last updated